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If you have a vision where you want to be after a certain amount of time in terms of your goals  – congratulations, you have already passed through the hardest part. Even if at first you are committed and excited to reach your goals, naturally comes a stage when you feel a bit down, when you lose your focus or don’t know what are your priorities anymore, maybe you find yourself procrastinating and staying busy with small technical issues which don’t create any additional value. Here is where I believe coaching can be an indispensable support.

One can say „I can easily coach myself, create a vision and a plan on my own, I don‘t an outside help”. While in some cases that might be true, more often than not, a conscious mind will easily avoid uncomfortable questions if you ask them to yourself, many excuses will come to your mind and the vision or the goal will remain unchallenged. That might lead to future struggles while trying to achieve the goal.
While working with a coach on your vision and goals you will have an opportunity to look at the bigger picture, to see how everything is coherent, and most importantly, you will get some questions that you were avoiding or have not even considered before. Imagine, you are outsourcing additional thinking power during a coaching session, how great is that? An open minded, potential believing coach will help you lift your goals to another level, will help you understand why they are important to you and will help to identify what is on the way of achieving them.

Who is it for:
For anybody who want to clarify their goals, create a plan to achieve them, remove obstacles.

Clear goals, action plan.

5-7 sessions of 1 hour every 1-2 weeks.

A detailed offer is made individually for you based on your specific needs after initial getting to know each other meeting.

Where and how:
Services available in Savoie, Haute-Savoie, Isère, Switzerland (Geneva region) and remotely (Skype, Google meets, Zoom) from wherever you are located.

You can book your first free getting to know you 30min meeting here.



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