Augam full recruitment France Savoie Chambery Annecy Grenbole Switzerland Geneva online remote french english lithuanian

I am sure you have your hands full running the daily business and creating the best environment to all your colleagues. If you choose Augam as your recruitment partner, you will be able to continue to do that while I will take care of your recruitment needs.

How it works:

  • Based on your job description I do the active sourcing on professional social networks presenting the job opportunity to potential candidates;
  • I conduct primary phone interviews to check the match of candidates;
  • I conduct video interviews with selected candidates;
  • If needed, I do the references checks;
  • Periodically I provide you with update and market overview;
  • I present you the short list candidates that best fit the open position;
  • If needed, I help you prepare for interviews.

Who is it for:

For companies that want to outsource full recruitment process.


You get to meet final candidates that suit the open position best and make your decision who to hire.


3-6 weeks.


10-15 % yearly gross salary of the recruited candidate.

Where and how:

All the process is handled remotely, no matter where your company is located. Live meetings are available in the department of Savoie, Isère or Geneva region. Services can be provided in Lithuanian, English and French languages.

Book a meeting to discuss your recruitment needs here.




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