Yes, it’s been a while since I’ve posted something — guilty as charged 🙂. But that doesn’t mean I haven’t thought about it. I always try to follow the principle of posting something that feels natural, based on my real experiences, rather than forcing a topic just to fill space.

In the freelancing world, there’s a lot of pressure to always look busy. Marketing and communication experts often say that to stay visible and build your brand, you need to share content constantly and be present. Otherwise, if you don’t constantly share tips and tricks or similar you might not be seen and taken as a professional. But here’s my take: real success is about balance. To be honest, I sometimes find it hard to follow people who post too much! Call me old-fashioned, call me grumpy, but that’s how I see it.

Yes, visibility is important, but I believe the quality of what you share matters more than how often you post. I’m not trying to create the image of being constantly busy or juggling too much. In fact, I’ve even wondered if projecting that image might make potential clients think I’m too busy for their projects.

I’m proud to say I don’t work 24/7. I love what I do, but I also love having time for my hobbies, my family, and myself. For me, it’s about creating value when it truly matters—not just posting for the sake of being seen.

I challenge the idea that you need to be constantly online to grow your brand. In my experience, stepping back, enjoying life, and being authentic in my work has been far more rewarding than simply staying “busy.”

What are your thoughts on this?

With best wishes for growth,