Six months ago I shared an article about the differences between the Lithuanian and French recruitment market (you can find it here), so I will continue this topic, because there is certainly a lot to discuss 🙂 Here are some insights that have come up over the last few months:

  • statistically, the duration of the recruitment process in France is one of the longest, and the reasons for this are quite varied and not always clear; in some cases, it is the lengthy decision-making process within the company, with strong hierarchical structures; and there are also cases (I have personally encountered such an example) where a company chooses to work with several (sometimes up to 10!) different agencies for a single recruitment.  In my interactions with local recruiters, I got the impression that companies are reluctant to sign exclusive contracts with agencies, let alone pay an advance. This certainly raises questions about the motivation of the recruiters to deliver, the experience of the candidates and the image of the employer. In Lithuania, companies are more focused on quick decision-making and if they decide to go to a recruitment agency, they go to only one, and the services usually include an advance payment;
  • even if the need for recruitment is expressed as urgent, this does not necessarily mean that it will be quick. This is best illustrated by one of the examples I had: the client’s HR representative took two weeks to discuss the urgent selection need. In the Lithuanian market, it is more likely that the company will proactively enquire about the progress of the recruitment process, take an interest in the overall situation;
  • the candidates are also used to the fact that the recruitment phases can be quite lengthy. In a very fresh recruitment experience, one of the candidates shared that he did not expect to receive feedback so quickly (after he shared his updated CV, I invited him to meet the client two days later). In my experience in the Lithuanian market, it’s not surprising to get a call on the same day a candidate sends their CV, candidates tend to expect and appreciate it when the process is relatively quick;
  • when planning to recruit in France, it is essential to pay attention to the notice periods of the candidates who are employed, which can vary from 1 to 3 months. The 3-month notice period is usually given to employees in more senior positions in companies;
  • as France is a large country and the distances are considerable, this can lead to situations where the candidate has to travel to a live meeting in another city, pay a toll and spend several hours on the road. It is therefore common practice in the country for candidates to request reimbursement of travel expenses;
  • candidates usually state their salary expectations in terms of an annual amount  while in Lithuania it is most often a monthly amount after taxes.

To sum up, each country’s market faces its own challenges, so in order to successfully recruit talents, you need to take the time to understand and adapt to the nuances, and sometimes you need to be patient 🙂

If you represent a Lithuanian company and are looking to recruit in France, or if you represent a French company and are looking to recruit in Lithuania, I invite you to contact me and discuss your needs. To find out more about Augam’s recruitment services, click here:

Best wishes for growth,



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